Улз групп

About us

Management Greetings

I hereby greeting you with my sincerity on behalf of our Ulz Group companies and greatly appreciate your interest in our business.

Over 25 years ago we established our first company in mining sector. Since then we greatly expanded our business scopes in mining production; geological research and exploration; construction and real estate; financial investment; fuel import-trade; agriculture; and electrical service businesses to contribute to Mongolia’s development.

We follow systematical policy to improve our human resource skills and knowledge to deliver high performance; we aim to introduce optimal technological development to raise production, to fulfill all the standards of labor safety laws and regulations in order to accomplish eco-friendly production and social responsibility implementation.

We greatly appreciate and would like to express our gratitude to all of our business partners for the contribution for development of Mongolia and we are always open to co-operate with you and with your organization in any matter regarding to our business scope of vision.

Wish you all the best wishes in your health and business.



Chairman of the Board and General Director

Улз групп нь бизнесийн салбаруудын үйл ажиллагаандаа техник технологийн хөгжил, хүний нөөцийн болон хөдөлмөрийн аюулгүй байдал, эрүүл ахуйн  оновчтой системүүдийг нэвтрүүлж, байгальд ээлтэй эко үйлдвэрлэлийг эрхэмлэн нийгмийн хариуцлагаа хэрэгжүүлж ажиллахыг тэргүүний зорилго болгодог.

Монгол улсын хөгжлийн төлөө зүтгэж хамтран ажилладаг та бүхэнд талархахын ялдамд манай зүгээс та болон танай байгууллагатай хамтран ажиллахдаа ямагт таатай байх болно гэдгээ илэрхийлье.

Та бүхэнд сайн сайхан бүхнийг хүсэн ерөөе. /Улз группийн ерөнхийлөгч А.Бүрэнтогтох/

Ulz Group


Fully mobilize skills and experiences to  create risk free and environmentally friendly  working place for enhancing our value for shareholders, employees, business and social partners.


To be best in all our operating business fields for domestically and internationally recognized national investor.


We seek all the possibilities and opportunities to enhance our existing resource, experience, skills and financial capability for strength and development of our values.

Our history

Ulz Group’s history starts from 1993, with the first mining company “Ulz Gol” Co.,Ltd named after “Ulz” river located in Dornod province, Mongolia. Since then we are successfully extending our scope of business and in 2017 officially established “Ulz Group” to operate as a group companies with our subsidiary and affiliate companies.




Today we are operating in the leading sectors of the Mongolia’s economy. We believe in our future to achieve our Mission with the combination of our highly skilled human resource and financial capability.


Mining production

Geological research and exploration

Financial service

Construction and real estate

Fuel import and trade

Other investment

Business partners